Payments & reporting
The Greater Manchester Healthcare Academy (GMHCA) is hosted by CHL and is a joint venture between Greater Manchester Local Pharmaceutical Committee (GMLPC); Bolton LPC; the GM Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP), and CHL. The Academy’s aim is to create a pharmacy workforce which enables, embraces and contributes to the transformation of GM pharmacy services and healthcare more broadly. Further details can be found here: Greater Manchester Healthcare Academy
Occasionally CHL arranges additional training opportunities. One example is Vaccination training. You can read an overview here.
GM-commissioned Inhaler Technique Service
GMHSCP has commissioned CHL to manage the locally commissioned Improving Inhaler Technique Service through community pharmacy.
CHL’s strategy is to develop and implement services which are appropriately remunerated for providers and deliver positive outcomes for patients.
CHL works closely with LPCs to ensure that the services which it supports are agreed by the LPC as the statutory representative body.
CHL’s team has significant experience in the community pharmacy sector and understands implicitly how to maximise and make service delivery efficient for providers. Patients and providers are at the heart of the work CHL does with NHS commissioners.